Eco-friendly curative airborne sanitizer aHP C

Saniswiss biosanitizer aHP C is an airborne eco-friendly curative sanitizer, it is dedicated to the no-touch automated sanitizing-system Saniswiss automate aHP.

biosanitizer automate

Automates the tedious work of manually disinfecting all surfaces. Read more

biosanitizer aHP C (Sanitizer Eco)

Eco-friendly curative airborne sanitizer aHP C Read more

biosanitizer aHP P (Preventative)

For airborne disinfection in the pharmaceutical, food-processing and hospital fields. Read more

biosanitizer S1 (Surfaces)

Saniswiss biosanitizer S1 is an eco-friendly cleaner sanitizer sporicide of second generation, it is dedicated to surface sanitizing incl. MDR superbugs. Read more

biosanitizer S1 (Wipes)

Cleans and disinfects all surfaces and medical devices in record time. Read more

biosanitizer S2 (Surfaces)

Saniswiss biosanitizer S2 is an eco-friendly cost-effective cleaner sanitizer, it is dedicated to medical device surface sanitizing. Read more

biosanitizer S4

Saniswiss biosanitizer S4 is an eco-friendly versatile sanitizer, it is dedicated to all washable surfaces, including in food processing. Read more

biosanitizer H1 (Hands)

Eco-friendly hands gel sanitizer Read more

biosanitizer H2 (Hands)

Saniswiss biosantizer H2 is an eco-friendly wash lotion featuring ingredients of organic origin, it is dedicated for hand and body cleansing including pregnant woman. Read more

biosanitizer L (Laundry)

A new ecological disinfecting laundry cleaner for washing and simultaneous disinfection of linen. Read more

saniraiser aHP K1 (Insecticide)

Eco-friendly airborne insecticide dedicated to the no-touch automated system Saniswiss automate aHP. Read more

C1 Cleaning

Cleans and maintans floors and other surfaces Read more

biosanitizer aHP C (Sanitizer Eco)

biosanitizer aHP C

2-in-1 sanitizer, deodorant.

Saniswiss biosanitizer aHP C formulation is alcohol-free, quats-free, biguanide-free, aldehyde-free, phenol-free, no chlorine derivate and others halogens, no conservative agents and is totally free from Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) and other harsh or polluting chemicals. Naturally formulated of 88% pure water and of <12% of boosted Hydrogen Peroxide, this dedicated formulation has been especially developed for curative use with our Saniswiss automates aHP. After use, the active ingredient reverts back into water and oxygen leaving virtually no residue on surfaces or in the air. No harmful side-effects, no toxicity, no disposal precautions and ease of handling make this new tenside-free airborne sanitizer a truly effective disinfectant for daily use. It has been developed for curative and intensive use in hospitals and other healthcare institutions during epidemic period. It is active against superbugs MDR.

bactericide. fungicide. virucide. sporicide. Saniswiss automate aHP and Saniswiss biosanitizer aHP C are active as a system according to NF T 72 281

biocide PT2. before use, read the label and the product information. use biocides with caution.

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